As promised earlier, here’s the tube amp reference information I keep at my house. I don’t pretend to know even 20% of what is contained in these books and videos, but you have to start somewhere. I find that as I learn more, I go back to these sources when I am able to grasp more sophisticated concepts.
1. “How To Service Your Own Tube Amp” (book and video) by Tom Mitchell – If you only buy one, this is it, in my humble opinion.
2. "The Guitar Amp Handbook: Understanding Amplifiers and Getting Great Sounds" by Dave Hunter - An excellent introductory treatise to the world of guitar amplification. Very readable and he does a great job of making the concepts understandable. Highly recommended.
3. “Video 1 - Tube Amp Basics for the Guitarist” by Gerald Weber – I found Gerald’s videos and the one above by Tom Mitchell very, very helpful. It’s great to be able to see and hear about tube amp circuits instead of just reading about them.
4. “Video 2 - Basic Tube Guitar Amp Overhaul and Servicing” by Gerald Weber
5. “Video 3 - Advanced Tube Guitar Amp Overhaul and Servicing” by Gerald Weber
6. “A Desktop Reference Of Hip Vintage Guitar Amps” by Gerald Weber – Lots of good info and schematics
7. “Tube Amp Talk For The Guitarist And Tech” by Gerald Weber – more good info. Check out “The Trainwreck Pages”
8. "Tube Guitar Amplifier Essentials" by Gerald Weber - The latest in his series of books.
9. “The Ultimate Tone – Volumes 1 and 2” by Kevin O’Connor
10. “The Tube Amp Book” by Aspen Pittman of Groove Tubes
11. “Tube Amp Workbook” by Dave Funk
12. “Audio Cyclopedia – First Edition” by Howard Tremaine – The bible, with everything knowable about tube circuits. Very technical. Make sure to get the First Edition since after this one a lot of the tube circuits were dropped in favor of solid-state. I bought mine used on eBay and it wasn’t cheap.
13. “RCA Receiving Tube Manual”
14. “General Electric Essential Characteristics”
15. “Tube Substitution Handbook” by Howard Sams
16. “The Fender Amp Book” by John Morrish – a small book with the Fender models and specs on each
17. “The Amp Book” by Donald Brosnac – an introductory treatment
18. “Amps! The Other Half Of Rock ‘N’ Roll” by Ritchie Fliegler – a good history of tube amps with lots of photos
19. “The Complete Guide To Guitar And Amp Maintenance” by Ritchie Fliegler – good practical advise but not very detailed
20. “Fender Amps. The First Fifty Years” by John Teagle and John Sprung – good history of all of Fender’s amps with photos
21. “The Fender Inside Story” by Forrest White – an insiders view of the history of Fender
22. “Marshall. The Illustrated Story Of The Sound Of Rock” by Michael Doyle
23. “Ampeg. The Story Behind The Sound” by Gregg Hopkins and Bill Moore
24. “Blue Book Of Guitar Amplifiers” by Zachary Fjestad – Specs on many brands of amps and what they are selling for now